About the Team

Principal Investigator
Timothy Moss
Timothy Moss is a Senior Researcher at the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) at the Humboldt University of Berlin and Honorary Professor at the Leibniz University Hannover. Tim’s research is distinctive for connecting historical studies of infrastructure with contemporary debates on sociotechnical and urban transitions. He draws on relational and socio-spatial concepts from urban geography and science and technology studies to analyse past infrastructural trajectories, setting an example in theoretical grounding for historical research. Conversely, he uses analysis of the past as a source of historical contextualisation and critical reflection for scholarship on current transitions to urban networked infrastructures. He is particularly interested in the processes by which energy and water infrastructures reflect and reproduce the multiple geographies, power relations and socio-materialities of a city.
Science Communicator
Pauline Münch
With a background in science communication, Pauline's work is situated at the intersection of transdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange. She is interested in exploring collaborative methods and formats about the past, present and future of infrastructure.

Student Assistant
Hanna Daineka
Hanna is currently studying the Master Program 'Integrated Natural Resource Management' at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She is focused on interrelation between social sciences, such as economics and public policy, natural sciences, such as soil and water protection, as well as the management of natural resources. Hanna's interests are the usable pasts methodology and its further implementation on urban technology and infrastructure futures in a sustainable way.